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20180703日下午,应771771威尼斯.cm大全和岭南统计科学研究院的邀请,在行政东前座412会议室,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学林共进教授作了题为“Ghost Data” 的报告——暨“羊城讲坛”第四十四讲,旨在进一步提高年轻学者及研究生对研究的理解。此次讲座由张兴发副教授主持,相关专业的师生参加了此次讲座。

本文报告了与真实数据一样自然,鬼数据无处不在 - 它只是您无法看到的数据。我们需要学习如何处理它,如何使用它,以及如何使它工作。幽灵数据的一些例子是(参见Sall2017):

a)虚拟数据 - 直到你看它才出现;

b)缺少数据 - 有一个插槽可以保存一个值,但插槽是空的;


d)高度稀疏的数据 - 其缺失意味着接近于零,并且

e)模拟数据 - 数据回答“如果”。


本次演讲将讨论三部电影:(1)“第六感”(布鲁斯沃利斯) - 我可以看到你看不到的东西; 2)“福尔摩斯”(罗伯特·唐尼) - 没有预期的事实; 3)“明日边缘”(汤姆克鲁斯) - 如何加速你的学习(AlphaGo-Zero也将被讨论)。如果你在来我的演讲之前看这些电影会很有帮助。这是我在这方面的研究的早期阶段 - 非常感谢您的任何反馈。许多基本想法都受到John Sall先生(JMP-SAS)的高度影响。

Dr. Dennis K. J. Lin is a university distinguished professor of supply chain and statistics at Penn State University.  His research interests are quality assurance, industrial statistics, data mining, and response surface. He has published more than 200 SCI/SSCI papers in a wide variety of journals.  He currently serves or has served as associate editor for more than 10 professional journals and was co-editor for Applied Stochastic Models for Business and Industry. Dr. Lin is an elected fellow of ASA, IMS and ASQ, an elected member of ISI, a lifetime member of ICSA, and a fellow of RSS. He is an honorary chair professor for various universities, including a Chang-Jiang Scholar at Renmin University of China, Fudan University, and National Chengchi University (Taiwan).   His recent awards including, the Youden Address (ASQ, 2010), the Shewell Award (ASQ, 2010), the Don Owen Award (ASA, 2011), the Loutit Address (SSC, 2011), the Hunter Award (ASQ, 2014), and the Shewhart Medal (ASQ, 2015).  Last year, he was awarded the SPES Award at the 2016 Joint Statistical Meeting.



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